Grants & Scholarships
Grants & Scholarships
We give scholarships and grants to young sailors (ages 8-18) to help them afford coaching and training programs and increase their chances to compete in highly competitive national and international regattas.
Interested in Applying?

Over $100,000 in Scholarships to Young Sailors Provided over the Past Two Years!
Grant Guidelines
The Lauderdale Yacht Club Sailing Foundation awards grants and scholarships that further the scope and purpose of the mission of the Foundation Applications for grants or scholarships may be made by individuals seeking to further their sailing goals, teams, such as high school sailing teams or team racing teams, and sailing programs. Foundation Grants are generally small, reflecting the current limited resources of the Foundation. The Foundation encourages the grantees to use the awarding of Foundation Grants to approach additional funding sources.
The Lauderdale Yacht Club Sailing Foundation Grant Committee will strive to be transparent, ethical and respectful throughout all stages of the grant making process and will make recommendations and advise the Lauderdale Yacht Club Foundation Board of Governors with adherence to these goals.
Application for a grant or scholarship is made by submitting the primary Grant Application, the executed Photo Release Form and the appropriate supplemental application(s) to the Foundation by mail or e-mail. The Foundation will acknowledge receipt of the application in a timely manner. The application will be reviewed by the Foundation Grant Committee for eligibility and the applicant will be notified if the application is not eligible as soon as practical. Examples of ineligible applications include applications from an individual who is not age eligible, is not a sailor in South Florida, or applications from a commercial, for-profit, enterprise.
Additional information may be requested by the Grant Committee, or Foundation Board through the Grant Committee. The request for additional information does not mean that a grant has been approved but does indicate that the application is in the process of being reviewed. (Grant Review Process, GRP)
Fall deadline August 10
Spring deadline December 10
The qualified application will be reviewed by the Foundation Grant Committee and a recommendation will be made to the Foundation Board. The Foundation Board may approve, modify or deny the grant, request additional information from the Grant Committee or table consideration of the application pending budget or other considerations.
The Foundation Board’s action will be communicated to the Foundation Grant Committee who will in turn communicate the action or status to the applicant in a timely manner.
Final Grant Decision
The final decision of the Foundation Board of Governor’s will be communicated to the applicant as soon as practical. The Board may or may not provide an explanation of denial and there is no appeal process regarding the final decision of the Board.
Approved Grants Procedure
The Grant Committee is responsible for monitoring active grants and maintaining a record of all grant requests and funded grants.
The applicant will be expected to maintain and produce records appropriate to the grant and to respond to additional requests for information from the Grant Committee. At the termination of the grant a project assessment, narrative and/or financial report may be required from the applicant. Subsequent applications for grants will only be considered if all requested reports are produced as requested.