
Donate Using Credit Card

Your donations enable the Foundation to continue to fund the education, training and support of young sailors, those with physical challenges, as well as others with ambitions of competitive greatness. The Foundation’s status as a 501(c)(3) public charity means your gift may be a tax-deductible charitable contribution.

You can donate today with Credit or Debit, or mail us a check! Simply click the Donate button to get started:

Donate By Cash or Check

Checks may also be made out to the Lauderdale Yacht Club Sailing Foundation and mailed to:

Lauderdale Yacht Club Sailing Foundation
1725 S.E. 12th St
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316

Other Donations

Leaving a gift to Lauderdale Yacht Club Sailing Foundation in your will is a way of leaving a love of sailing to children for many years to come. The Foundation’s EIN 27-1035675 and qualifies to receive tax deductible bequests.